Saturday, November 27, 2010


Well To be honest it SUCKED!!! I came home from work and my cat was dead. She was 9 and had been sick but still. Why is God playing that cruel sick joke on me. at least that is what it feels like. Oh Well. 2010 you need to be over!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Holidays...are HERE!

Thanksgiving is this week...................
I know you want to know how I am feeling bout it. Well to be honest I am not sure! There is one moment when I feel like I am fine. But, then there is the next where I wish someone would come and kill me now!!! I can see why there are so many more suicides around the holidays. Not that I would or ever could. I just now understand. but as I have said before I have my "Happy Pills" and if they don't work the good ole doctor will fix that.

Is it crazy that I am actually thinking about dating again? And when I say again, I mean for the first time really in at least 5 years. But is it me that's talking or is it the realization that I am alone now?

That question opens up a whole other topic. Let me tell you that I know that I am not alone. BUT at the same time yes I am alone. and until you are literally walking a day in my shoes you don't now or will ever know what I am talking about. I do hope that you won't ever have these feelings.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


First let me say that I am very sorry for not having written in months.'s been a very trying time. I am trying everyday to get better but as you know it's not wasy. the good thing to come out of all of this? I haven't spoken to "those" family members since the funeral. And you know what? I am HAPPY about it. No, really I am.

I have been trying to figure out what it is that I want to do with my life and to be honest I have no idea. The one thing that I do know is that I want to be HAPPY. but now it's trying to figure out what happy means to me.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's been a while and I am sorry. It's not that I am doing great I am doing ok. I hung out with my "Bill" the other night. And I forgot how much I love him. He is such a great friend. Let's me be my crazy ole self. (and you know I can put my crazy out there) But also calls me on me. Do you understand? When I am trying to be fake and not myself he lets me know or reminds me that I don't have to have pretenses with him. I am who I am and that is why we are friends.

Friends. I MISS my friend. I miss him sooo much I can't even explain. Some friends of mine don't understand why I feel this way about this person. But I..........,can't explain it. Do I love this person?? Yes. With my whole heart. Am I IN LOVE with him?? No. I just want my friend.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SO why is it people can't ask you how you are doing but they can go and ask others?? Really? Chicken shits! Grow some balls and ask me yourself.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy for others????

How on earth am I suppose to be happy for others? Especially (yes I am a bitch for saying this) when they don't FUCKING deserve it????? Go ahead and tell me how to fake that!!!!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

I couldn't have said it better.

So a friend described how I feel perfectly yesterday. " It's like being in a TV Show. You are saying your lines and watching everything yet you just don't feel like you are a part of it."

Seriously? I couldn't have really said it any better.

I WANT SO bad to be apart of's just I don't know how!!! I want to look at people and not be upset. I want to feel something other than sadness or anger!

The people that you think are going to be there for you are the ones who dissapoint you. And I don't know why that is. But then again if I knew that I probably wouldn't be sittting here writing this. Or maybe (yes I am about to say this) Maybe I just live in the movies. ;)

I watch way too much Lifetime, AMC, TCM. and Hallmark! But yes that is what I want and NO I am not asking too much. Because that is what I would do fo rmy Friends so yes I expect them to do that for me. Oh, wait........another dissapointment in the human race. I have had way tooo many in the past few years.

I hope that you all NEVER ever have to feel this way.

Does any of this make sense??