Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's been a while and I am sorry. It's not that I am doing great I am doing ok. I hung out with my "Bill" the other night. And I forgot how much I love him. He is such a great friend. Let's me be my crazy ole self. (and you know I can put my crazy out there) But also calls me on me. Do you understand? When I am trying to be fake and not myself he lets me know or reminds me that I don't have to have pretenses with him. I am who I am and that is why we are friends.

Friends. I MISS my friend. I miss him sooo much I can't even explain. Some friends of mine don't understand why I feel this way about this person. But I..........,can't explain it. Do I love this person?? Yes. With my whole heart. Am I IN LOVE with him?? No. I just want my friend.