Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Holidays...are HERE!

Thanksgiving is this week...................
I know you want to know how I am feeling bout it. Well to be honest I am not sure! There is one moment when I feel like I am fine. But, then there is the next where I wish someone would come and kill me now!!! I can see why there are so many more suicides around the holidays. Not that I would or ever could. I just now understand. but as I have said before I have my "Happy Pills" and if they don't work the good ole doctor will fix that.

Is it crazy that I am actually thinking about dating again? And when I say again, I mean for the first time really in at least 5 years. But is it me that's talking or is it the realization that I am alone now?

That question opens up a whole other topic. Let me tell you that I know that I am not alone. BUT at the same time yes I am alone. and until you are literally walking a day in my shoes you don't now or will ever know what I am talking about. I do hope that you won't ever have these feelings.

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